
Monthly Archives: July 2013

I got to attend the Beyonce “Mrs Carter” concert last night at the AAC courtesy of an Imaging facility we work with. Awesome show! Decided that since I was out already that I’d meet up with friends in Uptown. Hubby was fishing in Galveston so nobody was waiting at home for me. Yeah, after not really drinking so long really took its toll on me this morning! My feet are so sore and the room didn’t stop spinning til noon. I think I’ll go back into retirement now. I think I can give up drinking completely!

1. Listen to soft music.

2. Speak with a counselor or therapist.

3. Excuse yourself when people speak of others who have had the same experience.

4. Avoid people who have all the answers.

5. Realize you are not your illness or injury.

I think #5 really hits home sometimes. It’s always the would have, could have, should haves!